A friend once asked how long I’d give myself as an indie hacker before going to a 9-to-5 job again, I told him that I didn’t set a time limit for myself. Now, over a year later, we both agree—there’s no going back.

I’ve never lived more for myself than I do right now. Before this, I rarely took time off, there was a huge inertia keeping me in the daily work routine. I remember a colleague reminding me about expiring vacation days, and I realized I had days carried over from the previous year. Days after, just before they expired, I was visiting another country by myself for the first time.

At the beginning of my indie hacking journey, every day felt like a vacation, like how I’d always felt after quitting a job. Now, I’m building my projects at a relaxed pace. I’m not sure if this is good or bad yet, but it’s a lifestyle I hadn’t tried. I hope I can continue living this way.